Home / Biography / Lupus Hellinck

Lupus Hellinck

The vocal mediums of the composer included masses, motets, chorales, chansons, and Flemish songs. He was the grasp from the chapel at Notre Dame in Bruges and later on at St Donatian. Hellinck’s main moderate was the mass which he made up thirteen in the parody design. He often used music that he himself experienced already written, especially from his corpus of motets. Enigmatically he mixed the parodied melody with different counterpoints. His copying technique was especially obvious in his Agnus Dei(s) apart from the “Missa `In te Domine speravi’.” The Agnus Dei because of this mass was new. Typically the Order from the Mass adopted the file format of Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei. This is the format Hellinck utilized as well. People made up by Hellinck display the direct impact of Josquin Deprez while his motets reveal the type of Gombert. The chorales made up by Hellinck had been qualitatively in the motet design seen as a the chorale melody in the tenor with small rhythmic variance between voices (generally three additional voices).

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