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Carlos Mendes

The mysterious Carlos Mendes was gifted having a previously unreleased Paul McCartney composition, “Penina,” for an obscure 1969 single. Certainly, this is essentially the most obscure structure written by an associate from the Beatles, and documented and released by another person but not from the Beatles, as the Beatles had been an active music group. The track itself was a straightforward, actually trite keyboard-based ballad that sounded even more suited for the simple listening market compared to the rock and roll one. Little is well known about Mendes and exactly how he got the track, besides that he was a Portuguese vocalist which McCartney offered it to him as the Beatle was on christmas in Portugal in past due 1968. In 1994 in his Membership Sandwich fan mag, McCartney recalled, “I visited Portugal on christmas and returned towards the resort one night somewhat the worse for a couple drinks. There is a music group playing and I finished up for the drums. The resort was known as Penina, I comprised a song with this name, someone produced inquiries about any of it and I provided it to them.” The Beatles, understandably, didn’t record this trifle, although they do doodle around onto it briefly through the January 1969 periods for the ill-fated REUNITE project. That little bit has eventually surfaced on bootlegs. Carlos Mendes’ “Penina” one was not popular, and continues to be hard to obtain ever since then. Your best wager wants the EMI compilation LP The Tracks Lennon and McCartney Provided Away, which includes 20 songs, all except one through the 1960s, that John Lennon and Paul McCartney had written, but how the Beatles didn’t record themselves for standard release.

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