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Anton Nikkilä

Anton Nikkilä were only available in the rock and roll underground in the first ’80s, switched towards the experimental electronica picture in the past due ’90s, but remained saved inside a dark part of Finland all that point. In 2000, he and Alexei Borisov founded the label N&B Analysis Digest in order to press their work beneath the eye of music critics and record customers. It actually proved helpful (at least partly). He’s most widely known for his usage of Muzak examples in quirky parts influenced with the Austrian picture revolving across the label Mego. Nikkilä produced his debuts in several Helsinki (Finland) rock and roll rings like Mietoherne and Swissair; the latter was the longest-running, long lasting a decade. A few of these groupings have gone self-released cassettes (several tracks could be heard in the compilation CD-R Pilottilasit: Examples From Helsinki Underground 1981-1987). One of is own main collaborators at that time was Mika Taanila, also in Swissair, with whom he documented the 7″ EP Kytkentätaulun Valot in 1992. In the 1980s, Nikkilä’s groupings performed post-punk-influenced minimal rock and roll with some consumer electronics and lo-fi esthetics that foretold the post-rock motion from the past due ’90s. However when the design captured on, the designer had already considered electronics, following a developments from the Western techno picture. Teaming up with friend Alexei Borisov, he attempted techno, glitch, the naïve electro-pop of Felix Kubin (a.o.), and lastly released his 1st solo recording, Formalist, in 1998 around the Russian label Exotica. The set started N&B Study Break down in 2000 primarily release a their own tasks. Since that time Nikkilä has made an appearance in the compilation Geologists and Professional Travelers (several duets with Borisov), these Pilottilasit, and provides released his second single CD, White Evenings. He is mixed up in Helsinki-based digital music celebration Avanto.

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