Home / Biography / Velha Guarda da Mangueira

Velha Guarda da Mangueira

The Velha Guarda da Mangueira was formed in 1956 by Cartola, Carlos Cachaça, and Aluísio Dias like a tribute to the original samba school. With abnormal formations no steady rehearsal plan, the group simply arrived for eventual shows during the years, playing sambas from the composers of Mangueira. In 1988, the Velha Guarda experienced 23 composers, music artists, and puxadores (the primary performers) along with Delegado (Mestre-Sala), Mocinha (Porta-Bandeira), and Tia Irene (the oldest passista — samba dancer — in the shantytown). When the violonista (guitarist) Josimar Monteiro found Mangueira in 1991 to alternative Aluísio Dias, he started a new stage from the venerable group, rehearsing frequently and defining repertory and staff. After liberating a Compact disc in Japan (Pedi Perdão), the Velha Guarda documented the Compact disc Velha Guarda da Mangueira e Convidados in 1999 with many unique guests like Beth Carvalho (the group’s patroness with this fresh stage), Lenine, Nelson Sargento, Guilherme de Brito, and Ivone Lara. The repertory comprises classics by Cartola and additional old safeguard composers of Mangueira, also with guests like Aldir Blanc and Moacyr Luz.

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