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Nicholas Sturgeon

This British composer’s life was well documented and increases his import in Renaissance music though handful of his compositions survive. Sturgeon’s will is one of the earliest making it through fifty wills created in British. It unfortunately consists of no information regarding his musical existence. Other documents verify his services and inventory his train station. Sturgeon worked well at Exeter, Wells, St. Stephen’s Westminster, Hastings, Windsor and St. Paul’s Cathedral. The seven making it through functions include mass elements of the Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and a Salve mater Domini. Features of the functions consist of concern for timbre and syncopated rhythms, some adjustments in mensuration, and even more extensive motions in the superious compared to the lower voices. The countertenor in another of the Glorias and in the Sanctus crosses above the discant and below the tenor, a unique practice because of this period in music.

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