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Minnie Murphy

Pianist and vocalist Minnie Murphy is nation, sure, but her graceful tone of voice, which may be sassy or sultry or resigned by changes, has a tiny jazz tinge to it all that, when she’s in her best, offers whatever she’s performing a shiny immediacy. Given birth to in Bellingham, WA, the child of music artists (her dad was an operating musician, leading his personal music group, and her mom was both a vocalist and pianist), Murphy was raised encircled by music and demonstrated an aptitude to make it, aswell. Quickly she was waking up to sing with her dad at his gigs in the neighborhood bars and night clubs, while continuing to review piano with her mom, and with time mom and daughter started to create songs together. Ultimately Murphy landed a reliable weekend gig performing and playing piano at an area pub in Bellingham. Further motivation originated from her half-sister Jamie O’Neal, a documenting designer for 1720 Entertainment, and Murphy experienced some pretty visible looks with O’Neal, including an area around the Tonight Display with Jay Leno. She also continuing to write tunes with her family members, eventually shifting to Nashville, TN to try her hands at producing music her profession. Authorized to the Montage GROUP, her debut recording, Consider Me to Tx, premiered in 2008.

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