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George Frederick Pinto

George Frederick Saunders was the child of Samuel Saunders and Julia Pinto, child of the well-known British violinist, Thomas Pinto, of Neapolitan descent. (These were not linked to the Portuguese composer Francisco Anónio Norberto dos Santos Pinto [1815 – 1860] nor towards the Brazilian composer Luiz Alvares Pinto [1719 – 1789].) Small George Frederick began learning violin at an extremely early age, and became a pupil of Salomon. He began making appearances like a prodigy in 1796, when he performed a violin concerto at an advantage concert. Furthermore, he discovered piano and it supplanted the violin as his preferred device. Pinto was an extremely handsome son, and apparently experienced a kind center. He frequented prisons and offered large elements of his income to its inmates. His skills had been significantly praised. Samuel Wesley stated of him that “a larger musical Genius is not known,” and a shiny illustrious long term was expected for him. Nonetheless it was not to become. He died half a year in short supply of his 21st birthday. The real reason behind his loss of life isn’t known, but he was known as by his contemporaries “a martyr to dissipation.” His instructor Salomon stated that “if he previously lived and had the opportunity to withstand the allurements of culture, Britain would have experienced the honour of creating a second Mozart.” During his life time and soon after it, his compositions had been extremely popular in Britain, but soon had been overlooked. The composer Sterndale Bennett led a revival of his music round the midpoint from the nineteenth hundred years, and desire for the music reappeared in the 1960s. Pinto published piano solo functions (including two exceptional piano sonatas with concepts that apparently inspired Beethoven), violin functions (including a concerto that is dropped), and several tracks that are reported to be similar in quality to the task Schubert had written before he was 20. The violin sonatas are functions that are well balanced between your two musical instruments; one in G minimal is referred to as especially fine. The actual fact that these fine functions had been composed inside the 3 years period before his loss of life casts doubts in the contemporary proven fact that Pinto was “dissipated.”

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